Monday, February 10, 2014

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SAFE Act-Compliant ARs Now Selling

Upstate gun stores are now selling guns that are compliant with the letter of the SAFE Act, although not with the spirit. Multiple vendors are now stocking the specially-milled weapons that have been painstakingly created to comply with the 2012 law. According to the Times Union, the new guns are nearly as effective as the old, but are missing some features.

Lawmakers and others who opposed the law say it's an example of how economics, along with a bit of imagination and tinkering, are prevailing over what they see as a hastily crafted law. 
"The industry is starting to respond to the market," said Rochester-area Republican Assemblyman Bill Nojay, a vocal opponent.
With such weapons now available and the 7-round mandate struck down by a judge, the effective lifespan of the SAFE Act might be on life support.
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February 11, 2014 at 2:38 PM

I call it the"UNSAFE ACT"

Terimakasih Sam Dunston atas Komentarnya di SAFE Act-Compliant ARs Now Selling

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