Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Home » » Middleburgh Man Imprisons Ex-Girlfriend, Stabs Self in Desmond Hotel Incident

Middleburgh Man Imprisons Ex-Girlfriend, Stabs Self in Desmond Hotel Incident

According to details released by Colonie Police, Middleburgh resident Brent Speedling imprisoned his ex-girlfriend for approximately six hours early yesterday morning at the Desmond Hotel, and after she was able to successfully escape due to the efforts of hotel staff, Mr. Speedling stabbed himself numerous times in the head and chest area with broken glass.
Brent Speedling, 35, has been charged with Criminal Contempt in the 1st
Degree, Unlawful Imprisonment in the 1st Degree, Harassment in the 2nd
Degree and Violating an Order of Protection.
WTEN published the following report yesterday afternoon:
Lt. Robert Winn said the man broke glass in the hotel room and started stabbing himself in the head and chest area. Surveillance cameras showed he left the scene in his truck before officers arrived.
"During the dispute in the room he broke some glassware and used that glassware to cut himself so there was a large amount of blood in the room," Lt. Winn continued. "We were certainly concerned for his safety as well anybody else he may come in contact with."
He says Speedling said he wanted to commit suicide by forcing officers to shoot him. Colonie Police immediately sent out alerts, and State Police later found the man near his home in Middleburgh where he was taken into custody and rushed to the hospital.
Lt. Winn would go on to say that "We're very grateful that none of that happened that he was taken into custody without incident." Mr. Speedling's ex-girlfriend, who is a resident of Cobleskill but has not been identified, was unharmed and owed her safe exit from the escalating situation to the quick thinking of hotel guests and staff management.
Mr. Speedling, who is recovering from his self-inflicted wounds, has been remanded to Albany County Jail. No bail has been set at this time.
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